Frequently Asked Questions & Help

Please contact NOACA's GIS Manager
Chad Harris, GISP
at 216-241-2414 ext. 254
with any and all questions, comments or feedback

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is DART?

Data Analysis & Reporting Tool or DART allows users to search NOACA-centric data in an easy to use custom online mapping application. It performs computational analysis by aggregating large data sets into five different "themes" based on the mission of NOACA, highlighting the most important attributes for each. DART will help inform the public about a selected area by providing quick data summaries and reports, as well as GIS data and spreadsheets. These exportable pieces of information can then be used in the planning process to make more informed, data driven decisions or as part of a larger study or analysis.

DART's Mission

As a Regional Planning Organization, NOACA is a valuable source of GIS information for the counties, communities and individuals from within the area it serves. DART will make this information easier to find and consume by aggregating data and allowing for users to query, analyze and output the results. DART will support NOACA's vision, by providing decision makers with the data they need to plan more effectively

Generating an Analysis Area and Report

1. Create Your Analysis Area

Quick Search

Use this search function to find an address or place name on the map. Type in an address or location name in the search box and DART will zoom you to it and place a point on the map. Once you're there, you can create a buffered selection area around it, or use one of the other methods to create your analysis area.

Select Analysis Area on Map

Use this search function to find specific feature names from the list of searchable map layers in DART. Type in a jurisdiction name or another keyword and choose one of the features found. Or you can turn on a specific map layer from the list and simply click the feature you want to use for your analysis area.

Draw Analysis Area

Use this search function to create your own analysis area. You can simply place a point anywhere on the map and then select a distance to buffer around that point in a circle. Or draw a line onto of the map to trace a specific path or corridor and then select a distance to buffer around it. Or draw a more complex polygon around an area of interest to use as the analysis area.

Advanced Search

You may upload a shapefile to create your selection area. Keep these requirements in mind:

2. Select Data to Analyze

Use the check boxes to select the data you want to aggregate and analyze. Click the EXPAND ALL button to to see the individual datasets within each theme/report type. You can select data by either theme/report type or individually. You can also use the SELECT ALL DATA button to select every dataset to include in your analysis

Regional Cohesion

Strengthen Regional Cohesion

Analysis layers relating to NOACA's mission to strengthen regional cohesion.

Objectives under NOACA's goal to Strengthen regional cohesion include:

Existing Infrastructure

Preserve Existing Infrastructure

Analysis layers relating to NOACA's mission of preserving existing infrastructure.

Objectives under NOACA's goal to Preserve existing infrastructure include:

Sustainable Multimodal Transportation

Build a Sustainable Multimodal Transportation System

Analysis layers relating to NOACA's mission to build a sustainable multimodal transportation system.

Objectives under NOACA's goal to build a sustainable multimodal transportation system include:

Support Economic Development

Support Economic Development

Analysis layers relating to NOACA's mission of supporting economic development.

Objectives under NOACA's goal to support economic development include:

Enhance Quality of Life

Enhance Quality of Life

Analysis layers relating to NOACA's mission to enhance the quality of life in Northeast Ohio.

Objectives under NOACA's goal to enhance the quality of life in Northeast Ohio include:

3. Generate Reports

Once you have selected the data or dataset you want to aggregate and analyze simply click the reports listed to start generating the outputs.

The larger the Analysis Area used to search and the more data selected the longer it will take DART to generate the reports

DART Reports and Data

Strengthen Regional Cohesion

Regional Cohesion

Analysis Area Within Urban Core Communities


U.S. Census Bureau

Source Date:


Published Data Year:



The Urban Core Communities Policy was originally approved by the NOACA Board in 1999 and was revised in 2015 with expanded benefits for qualifying communities. The program was intended to help older urban core communities implement federally funded transportation projects. Since Title VI populations tend to be concentrated in Urban Core Communities, the program provides real world benefits to these individuals in terms of improved transportation infrastructure and services. These communities often have some of the region's oldest infrastructure, concentrations of low-income and minority individuals and a shrinking tax base.

The Urban Core Communities Policy seeks to foster reinvestment in defined urban core areas while minimizing a currently increasing regional infrastructure cost burden given stagnant regional population growth and outstanding needs within areas of existing infrastructure. The policy designates Urban Core Communities based on community characteristics that shape the urban qualities of a place and develops specific programs, for these communities.

The criteria for Urban Core Communities consider:

For more information please click HERE.

Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTP)



Source Date:

2014 - 2040

Published Data Year:



NOACA's Long Range Transportation Plans are the framework for directing investment for all forms of transportation in Northeast Ohio, including motor vehicle, bridge, transit, bicycle, walking and the movement of freight.
The Long Range Transportation Plans within DART includes:

For more information about the current LRTP please click HERE.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Projects



Source Date:

2018 - 2021

Published Data Year:



TIP projects are proposed by local communities, county engineers, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), transit operators and other sponsors. Projects can range from road resurfacing and reconstruction to transit and bicycle facilities to traffic calming and traffic signal upgrade projects.

The TIP:

For more information please click HERE.

Past Transportation Projects



Source Date:

2012 - 2015

Published Data Year:



This data includes projects planned by NOACA and ODOT for the previous years of 2012 - 2015

Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) Projects



Source Date:

2006 - 2015

Published Data Year:



NOACA's Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) provides assistance to communities and public agencies for integrated transportation and land use planning and projects that strengthen community livability.

The TLCI program consists of two components:

For more information please click HERE.

Capital Improvement Plans (CIP)



Source Date:

2015 - 2020

Published Data Year:



Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) are a community planning and fiscal management tool used to coordinate the location, timing and financing of capital improvements over a multi-year period — usually 4-6 years. Capital improvements refer to major, non-recurring physical expenditures such as land, buildings, public infrastructure and equipment.

NOACA works with local governments to collect and inventory a large portion of their CIP projects allowing for better coordination and planning

Technical Assistance Projects



Source Date:


Published Data Year:



Technical Assistance (TA) Program offers NOACA staff planning expertise on community-based multimodal transportation projects. The program improves the safety, efficiency, and preservation of the transportation system for all users, and improves the quality of life in the region. TA projects will produce implementable recommendations within an attainable budget. Communities participating in the TA program will be encouraged to pursue innovative solutions.

NOACA's Technical Assistance program consists of both a planning and engineering focus.

For more information please click HERE.

Preserve Existing Infrastructure

Preserve Existing Infrastructure

Build a Sustainable Multimodal Transportation System

Build a Sustainable Multimodal Transportation System

Support Economic Development

Support Economic Development

Enhance Quality of Life

Enhance Quality of Life